After completing the first series which is deathmatch
you are awarded a new series called Domination. Domination is
a good modification in which you have to work as a team to control
the level via certain points in it. You normally have yourself
plus three other team mates against four compuer bots who also
have the same objkective as yourself. The location of the points
and who controls them is shown on the left hand side of the screen.
This is a major advantage, because if one point isnt in your control
you know exactly where to find it. Below are a few pictures from
In domination the maps are specifically designed for
quick access to all points no matter where you are. The weapons
are also configured per level, as you may not have certain weapons
on certain levels.
Capture The Flag
The next series after domination is Capture the Flag,
first seen on Quake Internet gaming. After the very sucessful
results of this modifction from Quake other companies decided
to incorporate it into there games, as either built in or as a
modification. Unreal Tornament has Capture the Flag built into
the game at it is an important part. Capture The Flag feauters
about 10 maps which range from temples to floating rocks orbiting
earth. The game consists of two teams which each have their own
flag to defend, a blue team and a red team. The teams are easily
destinguished so you do not get confused easily on who you are
shooting at. Once you start the game you have to collect some
weapons as you need something better than an enforcer to defend/attack
bases with. There are weapons situated all around your base so
you need not go far you find a wepon such as the Redemeer or Rocket
Launcher. To score a point you have to enter there base, getting
rid of any resistance from the enemy and pick up there flag. Once
you have there flag you must get it back to your base and youch
your flag while holding theres. Getting away from the bases is
the hard part as you have people shooting you with every weapon
possible. There are also points in Capture The Flag levels where
you can adopt a snipers position and start to lay into your opponents
with head shots from a level away. You'll know when you get a
head shot and a message and voice appear on the screen, plus there
head explodes. Above with the domination pictures are some Catpure
The Flag pictures to look at aswell.
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