Free For All
and Team Deathmatch...
In addition to Capture the flag, are a series of
modifications built into the game. One of them is called Free
For All (FFA). Free For All is exactly how is sounds...a deathmatch
game with up to 10 people on one level at any time. You can add
bots and remove bots during the game to make it easier and harder
for yourself aswell which is an much better than quiting to the
title screen and starting again. Free For All also constantly
restarts each tiome you complete it so, in a snse, you could go
on forever. All of the features in Capture The Flag are in this
aswell. Such as sounds when you hit your opponent, 'Excellents',
and...of course all the weapons. If you ever get board of playing
free for all, which is unlikely, you change the setting of the
game including Time Limit and Frag Limit to add more depth into
Free For All.
Team deathmatch is another one of the many modifications
built into Quake3: Arena. So if you do become ultamitely sick
of Deathmatching you can try it in teams. Team Deathmatch is brilliant
in the sense that you can configure your game so well to how you
want to play it. For example you can pick how many people are
one either team, how is on either team and there skins. You get
some good maps to play Team Deathmatch on. These are off the original
Tornament part of it. In Team Deathmatch you also have the option
of allowing Friendly Fire on your team. If you chose 'Yes' to
this and start killing you ow team-mates on purpose they will
kill you back. So to be safe you should leave it off. Either way
is fun, but having it on yes does test you reativity and reflexes
as if there was someone coming around a corner and he was on your
team, your immeidate reaction normally is to shoot. But if you
are good enough you wont shoot. This takes alot of practice and
does become really hard.
and Deathmatch...
Tornament is a great modification. It runs more or
less the same as the tornament in the main game. But on the skirmish
version of tornament you can choose as many bots as you want on
one level to go head to head. For example, if you chose a level
which had one person (opponent) verus yourself and you chose 8
bots to go on the level. You would end up have you and someone
else fight and the other 6 would be spectators unitl someone loses
then they take over. Its a great idea if you want a long game
of Quake3: Arena, as when I tried this I was on it for about 2
and a half hours on one map. In tornament mode you can run on
either frag limit, time limit or both (whichever comes first in
your game). If you set the time limit to 10 minutes and the frag
limit to, say, 20 and acheived the frag limit before the time
limit you would win. Same goes if the time ran out before you
ended up getting 20 frags.
Standard deathmatch is great. The god old fashioned
style deathmatch. Just you and abunch of other people going head
to head against each other to see who is the best. In deatchmatch
there are about 20 maps to chose from, which is the highest out
of the others (Capture The Flag, Team Deatchmatch etc.) You can
set time limits, frag limits and bots numbers for the game to
meet your satisfaction on how hard you want the game to be.
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