Its back...
Prepare yourself as Quake fever hits the streets
again as the third installment of the most popular action game
series ever hits the shelves. With outstanding popularity
from Quake and Quake 2, Q3: Arena looks set to become one of the
biggest games of this year with only 23 days past from the last
millennium. The piece of work comes from, arguably, two of the
best programming writers around at the moment, John Carmack and
John Cash, lead programmers of - Id
Software. Get ready to be shocked by this long awaited game
which has some of the best graphics, gameplay and atmosphere to
grace the PC as we delve into the fast flowing, body gibbing experience
that is Quake3: Arena.
With a quick look at the pictures above it is easily
seen why Quake 3 has been eagerly awaited. The first picture gives
us a look at how Quake 3 generates fog effects unlike anything
I have ever seen on a game. The second picture shows amazing detail
given from the very first level. As we come to the third screenshot
we are shown a fire effect of one of the levels implementing shadows
from yourself and opponents. Last but not least we come to screenshot
four. This screenshot is captured in Quake 3's ultamite beauty
as we see light sources, mist effects, jump pads, new-look health
containers and best of all 'bendy' polygons.
we move on...
Before we head on into our main breakdown of the
game, take care to look at the in-game screenshots taken from
Quake3: Arena. Take great notice in the detail of all the screenshots
as you come to understand how good this game really looks.
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3: Arena for
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