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Billy and the crew over at VoodooExtreme have been kicking ass for quite some time. And they don't stop, VE still is one of the hottest news site around, with a touch of "voodoo".

Steve has quite a unique sense of humor, and it's even funny sometimes. When he ain't joking around he's usullay updating the Shack with the latest gaming news.

Blue's News
Want up-to-date news, without the usual blah? Then check out Bluesnews! The "straight" news site.

Sharky Extreme
The guys at Sharky's always have the latest hardware news and reviews.

Digital Mobster
Digital Mobster provides daily news to keep you up on the latest happenings in the industry, as well as links to the latest drivers, and online games. Check it out if you can't find what you're looking for here. But could that really happen?

Suppressive Fire
Quite a cool site if you like realisitic 3D games.

The Troika Connection
The only fan site dedicated to following Troika Games, the company that developed Arcanum, and consists of many team members from Fallout1&2.

The official website for this extremely popular mod for Half-Life.

Too silly to make your own config files? Then check out Tweak3d's auto config maker and while you're there, take a look at the latest hardware news.
Sneak and the gang over at keep you updated with the latest news in everything Half-Life.

Toms Hardware
Great hardware stuff. Reviews, Tips and News.

Gaming Incite Network
Host of many great sites *hint *hint

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