The Prophecy...
"He will be the shadow across the sun; the bringer
of plagues, his wrath will consume all lands and will be ceasless".
No, its not Ricky Martin planning to release his new album ...
its the plot for Tomb Raider the Last Revelation. You start the
fourth game in the Tomb Raider series as a 16 years old Lara,
who has embarked on a journey with the world famous archaeologist,
Professor Werner Von Croy who is an inspirational figure for Lara.
This adventure was arranged by Lara's father, Lord Henshingly
Croft, who thought it was an educational experience for his eager
This is where the game begins, as Von Croy guides you through
a level of simple tasks. This also acts as a training exercise
which is good news for newcomers to the series. In this training
level Lara learns her standard abilities such as running, swimming,
climbing, crawling and rope swinging ... among others.
The game plays basically the same as the other Tomb Raiders, although
the puzzles don't just involve moving items, pulling levers and
using keys. Now Lara has to open doors, rope swing, shoot objects
and even combine items to progress, such as the classic laser
sight which combined with a number of weapons lets you sniper
your foe.
People familiar with the series will remember how
difficult the third Tomb Raider was. This is not the case with
the fourth as the levels are shorter and the game can be saved
at any point rather than finding save crystals. But another feature
to add a slight amount of difficulty is the ability and necessity
to travel back and forward through levels in search off levers
and artifacts in order to progress to other areas of the game.
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