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 Home -> Reviews -> Starfleet Command II: Orion Pirates
Starfleet Command II: Orion Pirates By John "Award" Del Percio,
August 08, 2001
Developer :Taldren
Publisher :Interplay
Release Date :Late July 2001
Demo Available : No
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

This Isn't Part of my Program...Yet...

Starfleet Command, based on the Starfleet Battles board game is fast becoming one of the most beloved game series around, at least as far as intensive gameing goes. When we awarded SFCII: Empries at War the Top Pupil award for Best Simulation in 2000, we had only vaguely heard of the pending expansion pack. Needless to say it sparked a bit of excitement in wondering what the third installment of the SFC series would bring.

SFCII really changed the face of the somewhat one dimensional gameplay of the original SFC by adding two new species a new campaign system, and a new multi player setup to improve the original game. Unfortunately, due to problems with Flipside, Dynaverse II was inoperable out of the SFC2 box (to be patched back in, later.) This makes Orion Pirates the first installment to ship with the Dynaverse II functioning.

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