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 Home -> Reviews -> Myst III: Exile
Myst III: Exile By John "Award" Del Percio, June 19, 2001
Developer :Presto Studios
Publisher :UbiSoft
Release Date :May 7, 2001
Demo Available : No
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

UnMYSTakable Delight

I am thoroughly convinced that Exile is the best game in the Myst trilogy. It by far exceeded my expectations and won a permanent place on my shelf along with Myst and Riven. Riven was the oddball of the series, and while it is still an exceptional game, I enjoyed heading back to the roots of the story with Exile. It is one of those games that gives you about a week of withdrawal after you've finished it. I managed to re-install Myst and Riven just to pass the time, but it wasn't quite a substitute for Exile. If you're an adventure game fan, Exile is most definitely your best choice. Period.


Personal Note

Graphics - Sound - Gameplay - Depth - Multiplayer  Reviewed by John Del Percio
100 %

How can you beat pre-rendered graphics that make Pixar look rather plastic-like? Photo-realistic textures and detail to the tiniest nuances really make the game a miracle for graphics.

100 %

The good old Jules Vernian sound effects that you can tell belong to Myst even without looking. The music is simply remarkable, and the soundtrack has earned a place at the top of my CD tower for easy accessibility.

99 %

There are a few puzzles that were extremely frustrating because, either you knew what had to be done but just couldn't hit it just right (you'd have to play the game to know which puzzle I mean), or there is little indication as to what to do, and there really should have been. There are a few locations in Edanna where you can't tell where you are because of the tangle of vines, forcing you to click madly to escape. Beyond that, it is flawless.

96 %

You can't really call a Myst game "deep." It's fairly deep, and the story is rich, but for a bulk of the game you sit in silence trying to solve puzzles. Nevertheless, it's the deepest of any adventure game I've ever seen (with the exception of maybe Zork Nemesis, but that game was just plain grotesque, though a worthwhile story.)

0 %

A multiplayer adventure?

I would strongly advise, if there are still quantities available, that you grab the collectors addition. It's a bit steep in price, but it's worth it if you plan on buying any one of the items inside at full price. The soundtrack is most definitely worthwhile if you like ambient or movie music titles (there's a little of both on the 30 track CD.) The "making of" video disc is something you can't get elsewhere, the strategy guide provides some interesting reading material, and may bail you out now and then with some VERY nice soft hints (that don't spoil the puzzle but point you in the right direction.) The pewter Squee, well, I like it for a desk ornament <g>!

Overall Rating


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