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2000 Top Pupil Awards By John "Award" Del Percio,
January 13, 2001
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Best Action Game
· Best Strategy
· Best RPG
· Best Adventure
· Best Simulation
· Best Sports Game
· Best Hardware
· Best Game

Best Action Game

When thinking of what makes an action game great, it's important to remember one thing. Action is about far more than just having the coolest weapons and the coolest graphics. There is a certain amount of character, story, and uniqueness that make a game a true classic. Two years ago, Half-Life was that title that made the Action gaming community pause, and re-invented how action is thought of.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Perhaps it's the unparalleled blend of real time strategy and first person shooter, or maybe the satirical humor of the Animaniacs, either way, Giants is truly the best action game to come down along the line in a very long time. In combining the base building and resource management of a strategy game with the shooting action of Quake and the vehicle mayhem of Tribes, Giants has succeeded where many others have failed, not only in combining genres, but themes as well, with the high-tech MECCs and the ethereal Reapers (yeah, and the big guy, too), it's the most unique, balanced, and versatile action game, ever. It will be hard for me to go back to reviewing plain old shooters after this one.

Read Giants: Citizen Kabuto Review

Thief II: The Metal Age

It should come as no surprise, that Looking Glass's final masterpiece is ranked among the top. The Thief series, one of the most unique figures in action gaming ever to exist, is not really much of an action game at all. While an action game is usually thought of to be a First Person Shooter, Thief is moreso a First Person Sneaker, in the words of the development team. Your main concern is to avoid the enemy at all cost, while taking as much of their loot as possible. It's unfortunate that Looking Glass disappeared, as it would have been nice to see more of this series of truly unique games.

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