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 Home -> Reviews -> Soldier of Fortune Review
Soldier of Fortune Review by Rage, April 20, 2000
Developer :Raven
Publisher :Activision
Release Date :Out Now
Demo Available :Yes - Download
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

All the carnage

First of all, Soldier of Fortune is definitely not a game you should give to your little sister or brother. It contains high level violence and gore, but if you're mature enough to handle it you'll have a good time with this game. Although Soldier of Fortune tries to be a realistic 3d shooter, the gore system is pretty much the only realistic thing in the game. Although one might argue that the maps are based on real-wold environments it can't reach the realism of Rogue Spear, Swat 3 or Delta Force.

In your face!
The config menu
Don't shoot me!
A nice cutscene

Soldier of Fortune's gore and animation system is the most advanced to date. Raven used the new GHOUL animation system which allows bolt on attachments like glasses, helmets, backpacks, new weapons, armor and a variety of other objects. All of these objects can be shot, so if your enemy has a flamethrower and a gas tank on this back you can shoot it and it will explode along with its carrier. Another neat feature is the gore zone feature, as you can see on the image below, the body is divided into 26 areas: head, arms, legs etc. so if you hit your enemy's head he will drop dead but if you hit him in the leg he will limp and try to take cover.

The 26 gore zones
Getting ready to jump
Burn Baby!
The book shop

What's the story?

Before starting your game you can select your difficulty level. With adjusting spawn rate, enemy toughness and saves you can also configure you own difficulty level. The story is pretty basic. You play the role of John Mullins, a mercenary working for the U.S. Secret Ops. It's pretty much a save-the-world scenario. In a little more detail, as the story goes, four nuclear warheads are stolen and it is up to you to recover them. The game has 26 single player missions which take place in areas such as New York, Tokyo, Siberia and much more.

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