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 Home -> Reviews -> Shattered Galaxy
Shattered Galaxy By John "Award" Del Percio,
October 17, 2001
Developer :Nexon
Publisher :Tri-Synergy
Release Date :Quarter 3, 2001
Demo Available : No
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

The Agony of Defeat!

Unfortunately, even the most perfect of games can have their low points. While the initial installation was seamless, patching the game became something of a different story. While upgrading to the 1.1 patch the installer continuously reported that there was a missing or corrupted file. After re-installing ten times or so, I ran the main installer under a "repair" install, and that seemed to do the trick, but it nearly delayed me by a day trying to determine the problem.

While the installer was a major annoyance, the game was mostly stable beyond that. Unfortunately, there isn't much to look at once you get it running. The graphics are somewhat reminiscent of games from the mid-90's. Everything looks incredibly flat, the textures appear to be palleted 8-bit graphics, though the palletes aren't very appealing. Fortunately, the gameplay makes up for most of the short-comings of the graphics engine, you hardly even notice how ugly the game is after a while.

Finally, there are a few problems I've encountered in terms of balance and gameplay. The first is that while your factions are warring, regardless of how good the elected leaders are (yes, a human player is the leader), there will always be the folks who just hop onto a server and start grabbing territory, and even ignoring a cease fire, which can really become annoying to re-gain. Another of the problems is that every now and then the aliens may arise from their caves and begin taking territory. Unfortunately, these aliens are exceptionally hard to beat. They continually respawn, and the more players join to fight them, the worse they seem to get. I've found it best to avoid these maps if possible.

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