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 Home -> Reviews -> Quake 3: Arena Review
Quake3: Arena Review by Jay, February 3, 2000
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Developer : ID Software
Publisher : ID Software
Release Date : Out Now
Demo Available : No
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

Final Peek

Quake3: Arena has definetly been worth the wait and lives up to all the hype it was given. With over 20 deathmatch maps, a Capture the Falg team deatchmatch and Free For All add-ons this game is well worth purchasing. Some may say however that to get a good game out of Quake3: Arena you have to have a hi spec PC to run it. Well in a sense this is true and not true. If you have a Voodoo3: 2000 or 3000, your game is dramatically improved to meet the expectations you have probably already set. This game has been tested on my machine which is an AMD K6-2 450 with a Voodoo3 and 128 meg SD RAM and runs in a resolution of 1024 X 768 quite smoothly, but lowering this to 800 X 600 makes it run unbelivable smooth. There are a couple of slow down points in Q3: Arena to look out for. One is the blood/gib effect which is a sort of fog effect, which really slows down you PC if you get near it. Apart from that this game is a classic.


Personal Note

Graphics - Sound - Gameplay - Depth - Multiplayer Reviewed by Jason Knowles

Prepare you eyes for a splendid treat depending on your PC stats, if you can support the game fully with fast processor and good graphics card you will be plesantly surprised with the multitude of special effects including lighting and mist to an eerie fog. The game offers some of the best special effects to grace your monitor.

SOUND 92 %

The sound is a big help in Quake3: Arena. It adds atmosphere with its twisted screams of pain which can be heard a level away. Along with the sound of people footsteps, opponents positions can be distingushed by the collection of power ups, ammo and weapons.


Its fast, furious and you'd better believe its fierce. In principle it plays the same as Quake2, but the change in the game from level based to deathmatch is a big leap. For anyone who has played deathmatch or Capture The Flag with Quake2 will know what to expect. With the inclusion of jump pads and boost ramps mixed with new and old weapons from the Quake series, the game packs more of a punch than the previous Quake's.

DEPTH 93 %

There is a wide selection of game options varying from standard deathmatch battles to Capture the Flag, others incude Team Deathmatch, Free-For-All and Tornament. There are also five difficulty settings at which to complete these tasks that you will inevitably have to strive to overcome. With the ability to download maps from the Internet, this could make the game forever on going but it has to been seen whether the game will outlive the already amazingly popular Quake2.


The game was designed for the masses of people worldwide already playing online games, and was also set to take new starters into the multiplayer experience as a whole it hasnt failed. For those without a modem the bots (computer controlled opponents with Artifical Ingellence) will provide a sufficent challenge. But the game really takes off one the Net against human opposition.

In my opion Quake3: Arena is one of the biggest games i have ever bought. It has well been worth the wait, but hasnt got some of the features shown in its major rival at the moment, Unreal Tornament (made by GT Interative).

This game has been really well designed by the team at ID Software. Its really fun to play and full of extras to keep you going for months and months.

However, in my own opinion, Unreal Tornament is a better non-internet game to play with additions such as Assualt, which totally turn the game into another genre of gaming with a sort of Swat game.

But Quake3: Arena comes on par with Unreal Tornament to say they are both great multplayer games indeed with lots and lots of Internet support devoted to them already. You should buy this game to mark a historical series which has revolutionised the gaming industry. Because you have to ask yourself, if there wasnt Quake would there have been Unreal Tornament ? Some good see Unreal Tornament as a child from the mother in a sense.

Overall a truly brilliant game.

Overall Rating


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