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 Home -> Reviews -> Battlecruiser Millennium
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Battlecruiser Millennium By John "Award" Del Percio
November 27, 2001
Developer :3000 A.D.
Publisher :3000 A.D.
Release Date :November 2001
Demo Available : Yes - Download
Table of Contents

· Introduction
· Closer Look
· Facts
· Final

This Does Not Look Good!

For all the wonderful perks of the gameplay in BCM, the game certainly has its flaws as well. Perhaps the primary flaw in terms of the gameplay is that roaming is really the best way to play the game. If you enter in campaign mode, you're likely to get destroyed rather rapidly, you'll find you have a lack of direction of what to do, and the campaign really isn't very solid. It reminds me a bit, in terms of how it is organized, of Starfleet Command 1, where the metaverse engine was fairly simplistic, and campaigns got annoying quickly. In a sense, that is also a portion of the appeal to the game. In roam mode, you are completely unlimited as to what you can do. You may land on any planet, in any system, or dock with any station at any time.

Another flaw with the game is the lack of multiplayer support in the box. Granted it will be available via a download at a later date, and I fully understand the reasons for an independent developer to strip the multiplayer from the box at the last minute, but to be completely objective, it does look pretty bad. One thing I would like to see, though, is an MMO (massively multiplayer online) server setup sometime for the game. BCM would make a pretty amazing persistant world.

Finally, in my last grudge with the game is its inceccent knack to bludgeon the system to death and require a reboot. Few things are as annoying as the game randomly crashing to the desktop, or getting unhandled exception/fatal errors from the game, only to find that it (or no other game) will run again until you reboot the system. I haven't heard too many complaints on this so far, and the first patch is due out soon, so perhaps this will be remedied in short order, but at the time of this review, it's darn annoying.

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