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News Archive for August 2009

August 24, 2009
 Visions of Reviews -- NEC MultiSync LCD2690WUXi2
13:47:28 EDT - Staff 
The NEC MultiSync 2690WUXi2 has drawn quite a bit of attention as a high-end color accurate professional IPS display, and drawn many questions about it's fitness for gaming. Our subjective review takes a closer look at the previously unanswered questions about the 2690WUXi2 for gamers!

From the Review:
There's an advantage behind all this processing, however, that may help to lure in a few of the performance oriented gamers. How does "free FSAA" sound? Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? While it's not directly FSAA as we know it in video card terms, the built-in scaler has a slight blurring effect designed to yield smooth images on video content. The net result is, as a little trick, rendering slightly below the monitors max resolution and allowing the very high quality internal scaler to do the scaling work instead of the video card produces an analog CRT-like effect, negating the need for frame-killing FSAA on the video card in many games. For that, a two-frame loss may be worth it. SLI-fanatics running 8x full screen anti-aliasing at 1920x1200 won't care. The rest of us, however...

To read the full review, click "Review" below, or simply click the NEC LCD2690WUXi2 image in the "featured" bar!

August 13, 2009
 Visions of Reviews -- Little King's Story
22:07:53 EDT - Award 
Little King's Story brings a new brand of old-school console gaming to the Wii, but can it rule the Wii world with ease, or is it a royal flop?

From the Review:
Make no mistake, despite all the fairy tale trappings, and box art that looks like it would target the Saturday morning cartoon audience first, this is by no means a child's game. Its level of required skill, planning, and difficulty should be targeted to players of games like Starcraft, Knights of the Old Republic, and others. The game is difficult. Very difficult. Punishingly difficult. Even on the "easy" skill, the game rapidly starts to become next to impossible, especially for the actual bosses (kings of other lands, not just guardians.) While getting your party killed either by poor strategy, or selecting the wrong composition for your party before taking on the quest is often a source of defeat, even worse is truly complicated bosses who have unconventional and irritating strategies to beat them.

To read the full review, click "Review" below, or simply click the Little King's Story image in the "featured" bar!

August 8, 2009
 Visions of Editorials: Gaming's Saturated Holidays
14:42:35 EDT - Award 
While some are bemoaning the list of games delayed to 2010, the 2009 release year is still looking exceptional. Perhaps the delays are more about business sense than failure?

GameVisions' latest editorial takes a look at how the current buzz of industry and financial problems pushing back some titles to 2010 may be a simple case of good business strategy during an already over-saturated Fall 2009 release schedule.

To read the full editorial click "More" below, or simply click the "Gaming's Saturated Holidays" image in the "featured" bar!

August 7, 2009
 Submit Your Questions to Vincent van Geel (Isotx, Inc.: Iron Grip: Warlord)
21:34:37 EDT - Award 
We're currently taking questions from readers to be answered by Vincent van Geel of Isotx, Inc. in the up-coming Part 3 of the interview. Don't miss your chance to ask the creator of Iron Grip any questions you may have from details about Iron Grip, to Half-Life 2 modding, working with the Quake 3 engine, life as an indie developer, or anything else.

Questions may be submitted to, or you may use the submission form on Part 2 of the interview by clicking the "More" button below.

August 6, 2009
 Visions of Interviews -- Vincent van Geel (Isotx, Inc.): Part 2
14:15:29 EDT - Staff 
In Part 2 of a multi-part exclusive interview, GameVisions talks with with developer Vincent van Geel; co-founder of indie developer Isotx, Inc. on Iron Grip: Warlord and the industry at large.

In the second installment we discuss details about Iron Grip: Warlord, console development, and future plans for Isotx.

From the Interview:
I think a game (any game really) is never really done, as you can always go in and polish/tweak/add in little bits and pieces or advance it with another episode or do a graphics overhaul etc. I think the only thing that happens is developers abandon projects since it no longer has financial merit to advance them. We've had to put projects into the cupboard for the same reasons but we always come back to them; as now for instance we're doing another patch for the very first mod we ever made 4-5 years ago!

To read the full interview, click "More" below, or simply click the Warlord image in the "featured" bar!

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