News Archive for June 2009
June 23, 2009
Visions of Reviews -- inFamous |
Sony's latest high profile exclusive promises fast superhero action, death defying parkour on high steel, and a grim dystopion city complete freedom of movement. Does inFamous electrify the hopes of gamers, or does does it just register a bit undercharged?
From the Review: While the graphics and production qualities are good, they don't even come close to pushing the PS3 to the limits of what titles such as Killzone 2 or the current Red Faction: Guerrilla do. The game echoes a concept I'm seeing a strong resurgence of both on the PS3 and the Wii: A hark back to late 1990's PC games. There's a simplicity, redundancy, and overall "crude enough to be classic" feel of the game, while not entirely eschewing the "next-gen-ness" (whatever that even means) of its modern pedigree.
To read the full review, click "Review" below, or simply click the inFamous image in the "featured" bar!
June 8, 2009
Visions of Interviews -- Vincent van Geel (Isotx, Inc.): Part 2 |
In Part 2 of a multi-part exclusive interview, GameVisions talks with with developer Vincent van Geel; co-founder of indie developer Isotx, Inc. on Iron Grip: Warlord and the industry at large.
In the second installment we discuss details about Iron Grip: Warlord, console development, and future plans for Isotx.
From the Interview: I think a game (any game really) is never really done, as you can always go in and polish/tweak/add in little bits and pieces or advance it with another episode or do a graphics overhaul etc. I think the only thing that happens is developers abandon projects since it no longer has financial merit to advance them. We’ve had to put projects into the cupboard for the same reasons but we always come back to them; as now for instance we’re doing another patch for the very first mod we ever made 4-5 years ago!
To read the full interview, click "More" below, or simply click the Warlord image in the "featured" bar!
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