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Indrema Launches IDN Site

Today, Indrema launched its much-anticipated Indrema Developer Network (IDN), and issued several news items to commemorate the launch. The IDN ( is a site which Indrema and CollabNet have created to support developers and facilitate Open Source game development. It is an innovative resource for developers, and will result in a greater number (and greater variety) of games for the consumer.

In addition to launching the IDN site, Indrema also announced two new partnerships. The first, with Metro Link, will involve a collaboration on OpenStream and Xtrema, two core components of the Indrema Software Development Kit (IESDK). Indrema is also partnering with Metrowerks in order to produce an Indrema version of CodeWarrior, a very popular development tool which is used by 200,000 developers in 80 countries. This tool will be available on IDN to all developers for little or no cost-- an unprecedented feat in the console market.

Read all about the IDN and its significance for the future of gaming at: &page=story_display.html

For more information on the Metro Link partnership, please visit: &page=story_display.html

To find out more about CodeWarrior and Metrowerks, see: &page=story_display.html

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