"Did You Know: Two IBM Cell processors were intended to be used on the PlayStation 3. One as the CPU, one as the GPU. The Cell didn't perform as hoped for the GPU and was replaced by the nVidia RSX. "

 Home -> Full Texts -> Press Releases -> Sierra -> SWAT 3: Tactical Game of the Year Edition Ships Today!


SWAT 3: Tactical Game of the Year Edition Ships Today!

BELLEVUE, WA., (October 10, 2001) - Sierra today announced SWAT 3: Tactical Game of the Year Edition (TGOTY) is taking over store shelves throughout North America. Available on PC, this special third installment in the award-winning SWAT(tm) 3 series ( is a two-CD edition including 27 missions, 10-person multiplayer, new weapons and mods along with an unprecedented Advanced Tactics CD. Developed in conjunction with LAPD SWAT, SWAT 3 places an emphasis upon saving lives and rewards gamers for non-violent resolution of each mission.

The most authentic tactical simulation created, SWAT 3: TGOTY places gamers in crisis situations in strikingly realistic Los Angeles locations, such as Whitman Airport and Chang's Theater. The game adds six new missions to the original 21 missions, each playable in both single and multiplayer gametypes.

Designed to enhance the gamer's SWAT 3 experience, the Advanced Tactics CD includes real-world SWAT tactics and strategies, including instructional training videos, a Q&A tactics section, and much more--all provided by actual SWAT officers. This edition also empowers gamers to create their own version of SWAT with robust community building tools, including the Worldcraft(tm) Level Editor and the newly enhanced Scenario Editor with career editing functionality.

In addition, Sierra has released SWAT 3 version 2.0 update, giving owners of Close Quarters Battle and Elite Edition all of the features of the new Tactical Game of the Year Edition with the exception of those materials found on the Advanced Tactics CD. The 2.0 update includes 10-man multiplayer game play, enhanced AI, the option to play as an element leader or be commanded by an AI element leader, and the newly enhanced Scenario Editor. It can be downloaded for free from the SWAT 3 Web site.

About Vivendi Universal publishing Vivendi Universal Publishing (VU Publishing), the publishing division of the world's second largest communications group (Vivendi Universal), is an international leader in multi-platform publishing and content distribution. As one of the top three players in the global publishing market and the only publisher with an international reach, the Company's key content areas include literature, reference, education, games and consumer press. VU Publishing publishes content in four major languages, including English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and has strong local publishing brands, including Anaya, Atica, Houghton Mifflin, Knowledge Adventure, Larousse, Nathan and Scipione. In the games category, VU Publishing is a leading publisher of online, PC and console-based games. Its studios include Blizzard Entertainment, The Flipside Network, Sierra and Universal Interactive.

About Sierra Sierra On-Line, Inc., a studio of Vivendi Universal Publishing and part of its Games division, is one of the original developers and largest worldwide publishers of interactive enter ainment and productivity software. Sierra is renowned for releasing critically acclaimed and award winning titles that represent a wide variety of computer entertainment on both next generation console and PC platforms.

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